Andrew McConaghie, LCSW
Works with: couples, adults, teens, parents, families
Specializes in: couples counseling, relationship challenges, recovery from affairs/betrayals, parenting plans for divorce, Upside Down Divorce®
Works with: couples, adults, teens, parents, families
Specializes in: couples counseling, relationship challenges, recovery from affairs/betrayals, parenting plans for divorce, Upside Down Divorce®
Works with: children, teens, adults, parents, families
Specializes in: child therapy, childhood anxiety and behavior problems, parenting, positive discipline, parenting plans for divorce, Upside Down Divorce®
Works with: teens, young adults, adults, parents, families
Specializes in: teens, depression, anxiety, stress
Works (virtually only) with: couples, adults, families
Specializes in: couples counseling, recovery from affairs, premarital counseling, life transitions, family therapy, EMDR
Family Counseling includes multiple members of one family. For example, parents and teens may work together with a therapist to make agreements and solve problems, and increase their emotional connection. Parents and children … Read more
Works with: children, teens, adults, parents, and families
Specializes in: child therapy, childhood behavior and adjustment problems, parent coaching, eating disorders, and anxiety/depression
Works with: teens, adults, families
Specializes in: anxiety/depression, suicidal thoughts, teenage adjustment problems, family dynamics, mindfulness
Works with: children, teens, adults, and families
Specializes in: child therapy, play therapy, anxiety/depression, childhood behavior and adjustment problems, school aversion and refusal, clients diagnosed with ADHD or those who identify as autistic.
Works with: couples, adults, teens and children with learning differences, adults and children who identify as autistic.
Specializes in: couples counseling, school accommodations, individuals with relationship challenges.